Detecto Command Systems B.V.
Baardmeesweg 39b
3899 XT Zeewolde
The Netherlands
T +31(0)78-6200350
KvK 27219915
Product overview
Basic transmitters
The standard
series is mostly used for home applications such
as controlling gates, automatic doors, gates and
other simple applications.
industrial transmitters
The light
industrial series is often used for light
commercial applications without specific
requirements for safety.
Industrial transmitters
The industrial series is
often used in the heavier industries such as operating
machinery, pumps, cranes, winches and truck lifts and where
applicable with an emergency stop device.
This series have different testing standards such as E4 and
PL=d norm.
Customer-specific and two-way (bi-directional) systems
The customer-specific
and two-way series is customized.
This ranges from customized transmitters with
push-button controls to complete data systems with
two-way communication with a distance up to 20Km.
This series includes all
standard applicable receivers.