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Detecto Command Systems B.V.
Baardmeesweg 39b
3899 XT Zeewolde
The Netherlands

T  +31(0)78-6200350

KvK  27219915


Customer specific and two-way communication

Detecto Command Systems has its own development department and is therefore able to produce remote control systems for the professional market according to customer specification .
This could include operating cranes, unfold or fold of trailers and semi-trailers, operating silos in the harbor and concrete plant programs.
Depending on the required distance and functions, the systems are based on the standard transmitters (up to 100 meters), two-way RF modules (up to 500 meters) and mobile radios (up to 20Km).
Except of the standard transmitters until 100 meters, the other systems operate bi-directional (two-way).

Systems op to 100 meter

Based on the light industrial RB series, we can manufacture a transmitter to customer specifications with different types of push, tilt and position switches.
Likewise with custom anodized front plates with text and/or symbols.

Please contact us via the  Contact form  for more information and possibilities.


Systems op to 500 meter

Using two-way RF modules we have developed a system for distances up to 500 meter with capabilities for data transfer and bi-directional control and/or measurement.
All to customer specifications.
The system can be equipped with both relay and/or analog outputs as well as digital and/or analog inputs.
Using repeaters, the distance can be optionally increased.

More information



Systems up to 20 kilometer

The systems up to 500 meters gives us many possibilities regarding control and data transfer.
However, the limitation to 500 meters can be a obstruction.
We have therefore developed a system to increase the distance up to 20Km based on mobile radios and/or portable radios .
Particularly in the agricultural sector, this is a plus because distances of 2-3 kilometers are no exception.
Consider, for example pumping and fertilizer.
The (two-way) transfer can be both data (analog and/or digital) and/or simple switching signals.

Unlike some analogue systems, which make use of DTMF codes for data transmission, systems used by us are digitally encoded.
It is therefore impossible to accidentally switch an output when a portable or mobile radio  (analog or digital) does not send the correct encoding.
This makes the system very safe.

The mobile radio system can be made entirely to customer specifications within the possibilities.

Please contact us via the  Contact form  for more information and possibilities.



Portable radios and mobile radios

Of course you can contact us for your portable radios and/or mobile radios including supplies.
We can supply brands such as Motorola and Kenwood.

Please contact us via the  Contact form  for more information and possibilities.